Use Trace to Diagnose IPv6 Problems
Use trace to observe the status of IPv6 at a certain time.
Before you begin
Confirm that trace level 99 is set to a value of 1 before you use trace to diagnose IPv6 problems. Trace level 1 is very terse.

Risk of traffic loss
Using the trace tool inappropriately can cause CPU lockup conditions, loss of access to the device, loss of protocols, and service degradation.
Activate the trace for all the IPv6 forwarding categories:
Switch:1#trace ipv6 forwarding enable all
Activate the trace for all the IPv6 neighbor discovery categories:
Switch:1#trace ipv6 nd enable all
Activate the trace for the all IPv6 routing table manager categories:
Switch:1#trace ipv6 rtm enable all
Activate the trace for all the IPv6 transport caterories:
Switch:1#trace ipv6 transport enable all
Deactivate the trace:
Switch:1#trace shutdown
Switch:1#clear trace
Removed 5 files.
Variable Definitions
The following table defines parameters for the trace ipv6 command.
Variable |
Value |
base <disable|enable> <all|debug|error|icmp|info|ipclient|nbr|pkt|warn> |
Enables or disables a specific trace category for IPv6 base. |
forwarding <disable|enable> <all|debug|error|info|pkt|warn> |
Enables or disables a specific trace category for IPv6 forwarding. |
nd <disable|enable> <all|debug|error|info|nbr|pkt|redirect|warn> |
Enables or disables a specific trace category for IPv6 neighbor discovery. |
ospf <disable|enable> <adj|all|config|error|import|info|lsa|pkt|spf|warn> |
Enables or disables a specific trace category for IPv6 OSPF. |
rtm <disable|enable> <all|change-list|debug|error|fib|info|redist|update|warn> |
Enables or disables a specific trace category for IPv6 routing table manager. |
transport <disable|enable> <all|common|tcp|udp> |
Enables or disables a specific trace category for IPv6 transport. |
vrf WORD<1–16> |
Specifies the VRF name. |